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Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Blog > Car Accident > Recreational Vehicle Accidents

Recreational Vehicle Accidents


Before you depart on a road trip, personal injury lawyers will caution you that, if you get into an accident after you have crossed state lines, then the state where the accident happened has jurisdiction over any accident claims or lawsuits.  That means that you would need to contact a lawyer in the state you were visiting or passing through, even if it is only after you have returned home that you realize the extent of your injuries or your financial losses.  Of course, you might think that you have circumvented that problem by hitting the road in a strong vehicle that will barely get a scratch if another vehicle collides with it.  While the prognosis is usually worse for the smaller vehicle and its occupants than for the larger vehicle and its occupants in a collision between two vehicles of vastly unequal size, do not assume that you are immune to injury just because you are in a truck or van.  Even recreational vehicles (RVs) do not guarantee that you can emerge from a collision unscathed.  If you have suffered serious injuries in an RV accident while visiting South Carolina, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.

Couple’s 54-Year Marriage Ends When SUV Collides With Their RV During a Visit to South Carolina

Grace Mentzer was born in Pennsylvania, and she married Phil Wellman in 1970.  By the 2020s, Grace and Phil were living in Virginia Beach.  They spent much of their retirement traveling around the United States in their RV.  In February 2025, they were on a road trip in their RV, and they were passing through South Carolina.  On I-95 near Florence, a 2002 Ford Explorer collided with the Wellmans’ RV.  Grace died at the scene of the accident, but Phil was not injured.  The driver of the Explorer suffered injuries serious enough to require hospitalization.  Grace Wellman was 79 years old.

The accident is still under investigation as of the time of publication of the most recent news reports.  If the surviving family members of Grace Wellman decide to file a wrongful death lawsuit in connection to the accident, they must do so in South Carolina, even though Grace was a resident of Virginia.  South Carolina is a comparative negligence state, which means that the victim’s family has the right to file a lawsuit if the victim or his or her close relative who was driving the car was partially at fault for the accident, as long as their share of fault does not exceed 50 percent.  In this accident, the fault for the accident might be shared between the two drivers.  If unsafe road conditions also contributed to the accident, then the county where the accident happened could also be a defendant.

Let Us Help You Today

The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you pursue a complaint related to an RV accident during your road trip through South Carolina.  Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.



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