All Terrain Vehicle Wins “Coolest Thing Made In South Carolina” Award

Manufacturing is not generally considered a glamorous job, but perhaps it should be. Motor vehicles have become noticeably safer during your lifetime, even if you are so young that you have never had to renew your driver’s license. For this welcome development, you can thank the inventors who thought of ways to implement new technologies in cars to prevent collisions and reduce injuries, but you can also thank the manufacturers who build today’s cars with their safety features that make driving a less risky activity than it was a generation ago. We are right to celebrate the inventors who think of new ways to alert drivers to dangers, to protect the occupants of cars in a collision, and to reduce blind spots, and to do so at a lower cost to the consumer and the environment, but we should also celebrate the manufacturers who turn inventors’ ideas into actual vehicles that transport us from point A to point B. South Carolina prides itself on the importance of manufacturing to its economy, such that, every year, South Carolinians vote on their favorite product which is manufactured right here in the Palmetto State. This year, they chose an all-terrain vehicle. If an ATV accident has dampened your enthusiasm for South Carolina’s favorite manufactured product, contact a Columbia personal injury lawyer.
What Is the Coolest Thing Made in South Carolina?
Every year since 2022, the South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance has held a contest known as Manufacturing Madness: The Coolest Thing Made in South Carolina. This year’s winner was the Honda Talon, an all-terrain vehicle produced by American Honda Motor Company in Florence County. The other finalists this year included Sun Sips by the Gallo winery in Fort Lawn, fire suppression sprinklers by Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., and an MRI scanner made by GE Healthcare in Florence. These are just a few of the 166 products nominated this year.
And Now for a Dose of Reality About All Terrain Vehicles
All terrain vehicles are cool indeed; they may even be the coolest thing in South Carolina, if you are only counting manufactured products. They are also safe if you use them for their intended purpose. ATVs are more like go-karts and less like motorcycles, though, in that it is not legal to drive them on most roads open to vehicular track. They are even less like cars, in that they offer little protection in the event of a collision. Several recent accidents at all-terrain vehicle parks have highlighted the dangers of ATV accidents. If you get injured in an ATV accident, premises liability laws may or may not apply, depending on where the accident took place. It is best to discuss matters with a personal injury lawyer to find the best way to get compensation for your accident-related medical bills.
Let Us Help You Today
The premises liability lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you have suffered a serious injury in an all-terrain vehicle accident. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.