Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Road Rage In South Carolina
Without alcoholic beverages, there is no drunk driving. Without cell phones, there is considerably less distracted driving, as anyone who got a driver’s license before the age of the cell phone can tell you. The dangerous thing about road rage is that it has so many triggers. Anyone and anything on the road can… Read More »

Do South Carolina Premises Liability Laws Protect You In The Event Of Rabies Exposure?
Given the cost of healthcare these days, it only makes sense to delay treatment until your symptoms are so bad that they are interfering with your ability to work. If you can take some ibuprofen and get through your workday in spite of your toothache, then certainly your root canal can wait until after… Read More »

Where Do Seatbelts Get Their Safety Superpowers?
“Seatbelts save lives” has become such a proverbial expression that hardly anyone gives much thought to how seat belts harness their life-preserving power. The current generation of newly licensed drivers has been buckling their seat belts for as long as they have known how to tie their shoes, as has the current generation of… Read More »

Family Sues Retirement Community After Octogenarian Dies From Alligator Attack
You have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit if a close family member of yours died in a preventable accident. You may request compensation from the party that caused the accident or was responsible for preventing it. The compensation can include the end-of-life medical expenses your family member incurred as a result… Read More »

Family Gets Settlement From Hospital After Baby Falls From NICU Crib
The first days at home with a newborn baby are overwhelming. In their first months of life, human infants are so fragile, and the simplest functions of life require arduous work from multiple caregivers. Babies know when they are hungry, but they do not always easily take milk when it is offered to them,… Read More »

Yes, Head Injuries Can Cause A Hormonal Imbalance
It’s easy to blame other people’s hormones for the challenges in your life. Every time a teenager, a pregnant woman, or a middle-aged woman disagrees with you, you assume that the person’s refusal to see things from your perspective is because of the hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, but hormones that… Read More »

Where Is The Safest Seat In The Car?
It is obvious to anyone who has had a driver’s license long enough to renew it that cars are getting safer. Today’s cars jolt you awake if you start acting drowsy and brake on their own if you are getting dangerously close to another vehicle or stationary object. They have a conniption fit if… Read More »

Premises Liability And Hurricane-Damaged Property
Now that Valentine’s Day and Super Bowl Sunday have passed, hurricane season is just around the corner. If you have lived in South Carolina for a while, you have already invested in hurricane shutters, and if you live in a coastal area, you have a plan about which inland-dwelling family member or friend you… Read More »

South Carolina Could Soon Get Its Own Version Of Bentley’s Law
Driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal in all 50 states, but the penalties vary from one state to another. Some states require people convicted of DUI to pay fines and surcharges where the money goes to help people injured by drunk drivers and to the surviving relatives of people killed in DUI… Read More »

Spider Bites And Premises Liability
If your only experience with premises liability law comes from seeing billboards of personal injury law firms, you might assume that the circumstances that lead to spider bites and the circumstances that lead to premises liability lawsuits are mutually exclusive. You might think that premises liability lawsuits only occur when a customer slips and… Read More »