Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Trichloroethylene And Drinking Water Contamination
The federal government recently enacted the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, which expands protections for people who were harmed by the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the drinking water at Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base in North Carolina between the 1950s and the 1980s. One of these VOCs is trichloroethylene (TCE), a solvent… Read More »

Living With Mesothelioma Is Exhausting, But It Doesn’t Have To Be Financially Catastrophic
One of the reasons that only a small fraction of the people who could make a strong case for being awarded damages in a personal injury lawsuit actually file lawsuits is that the injured people feel overwhelmed. Preparing for a legal battle is stressful enough when you are physically healthy; it is even worse… Read More »

The Leading Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents In South Carolina
Motorcycles are no more likely to be involved in collisions than other types of vehicles, but your chances of sustaining a serious injury if you get into a motorcycle accident are much higher than they would be if all the other circumstances of the accident were the same, except that you were in a… Read More »

The Most Common Reasons For Premises Liability Lawsuits
“Premises liability” sounds like an abstract legal term, because it can cover a wide variety of accidents, and even some incidents that are not accidental at all. If you see the phrase “car accident lawsuit” in a headline, you can instantly imagine what the events must have been that led to the lawsuit, but… Read More »

Benzene Exposure In Drinking Water
If you fall asleep in the back seat of the car on a road trip while another member of your party is driving, you would most likely wake up immediately if you parked at a gas station, because the smell of gasoline would be strong; benzene is one of the chemicals that give gasoline… Read More »

An Electrode Implanted In The Brain Could Help Improve Memory Function In People With Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), a more severe form of the common injury known as concussion, can cause neurological and behavioral symptoms that last for years after the injury, and sometimes even for the rest of the patient’s life. TBI symptoms can include headaches, increased sensitivity to light and noise, depression, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and… Read More »

Court Orders Ford To Pay $1.7 Billion In Punitive Damages For Unsafe Roof Design
Even if you consider several vehicle models before deciding which one to buy, hardly anyone has to spend time deciding whether they would rather have a car or a truck. People choose cars when they want something fuel efficient that is easy to park in narrow parking spaces or to parallel park in downtown… Read More »

Is Surgery The Best Treatment For Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that affects the linings of body cavities; like other types of cancer, it can spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. The most common cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos dust. Approximately 80 percent of mesothelioma patients have been exposed to asbestos at… Read More »

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act
Personal injury lawsuits are not just about traumatic injuries like broken bones or cuts that require stitches. The laws that grant you the right to seek compensation against the person who caused a car accident in which you got injured also apply in cases where one party’s negligence caused a person to suffer a… Read More »

Why Is It So Hard To Get A Verdict In Your Favor In A Personal Injury Case?
Most legal cases do not play out the way they appear in movies and on television. There is almost nothing that lawyers and witnesses can say during a jury trial that will surprise the judge; before the trial, the judge has carefully reviewed all the evidence that either side plans to present and perhaps… Read More »