Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Family Sues County And Department Of Natural Resources For Insufficient Emergency Response After Boating Accident
Jaden Phillips of Elgin loved the outdoors, so a boat trip was the obvious choice of place to celebrate his 19th birthday in May 2020. He went out on a riverboat with his friends; they had planned to spend several days camping. Their first stop was a sandbar about 40 miles south of the… Read More »

Veterans Harmed By Contaminated Camp Lejeune Waters Allege That The VA Unfairly Denied Their Claims
From 1953 until 1987, the levels of several harmful chemicals were dangerously high at the Camp Lejeune military base in North Carolina. Testing in the 1980s revealed levels of chemicals such as benzene and the industrial solvents trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene, perchloroethylene, and vinyl chloride (VC) that were up to 400 times what is considered… Read More »

Which Diseases Are Associated With The Contaminated Drinking Water At Camp Lejeune
In 1985, regulators closed down two wells at the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base in North Carolina after health and safety testing showed that the water in these wells contained dangerous levels of contaminants such as vinyl chloride, benzene, trichloroethylene (TCE), and perchloroethylene (PCE). These wells supplied drinking water for service members stationed at… Read More »

Hyundai Issues Recall Of Defective Seat Belt Parts That Could Become Flying Shrapnel In A Collision
The best thing you can do to reduce your chances of getting injured in a traffic collision is to wear a seatbelt. Seatbelts have reduced the number of fatalities and severe injuries resulting from car accidents more than any other vehicle feature that has been introduced before or since. What happens if your seatbelt… Read More »

Do Speed Limiters Make Big Trucks Safer?
No matter what kind of vehicle you are driving, excessive speed increases your chances of losing control of the vehicle and crashing. It also gives you less time to get out of the way to avoid a crash caused by another driver’s mistake. Driving at a moderate speed is not, by itself, enough to… Read More »

Beware Of The Swoop And Squat Scam
You are an honest person, so why are you reading a blog post about auto insurance fraud? Auto insurance fraud affects honest people’s insurance claims in several ways. First, in order to protect themselves from financial losses, insurance companies are on high alert against fraudulent claims, to the point that they treat you like… Read More »

Can You Sue For Premises Liability If You Signed A Waiver?
A little bit of danger can be a lot of fun. Most South Carolina tourists agree with this statement, as evidenced by the popularity of extreme sports like skydiving, bungee jumping, zip lining in South Carolina tourist destinations, to say nothing of canoeing in waters where alligators could be nearby. Recreational facilities must follow… Read More »

Back-Up Cameras And Your Car Accident Claim
Since 2018, federal law has required all new cars to be equipped with rear-facing cameras, and before then, they were an optional upgrade feature on many vehicles. Some drivers of older vehicles choose to install rear-facing cameras to cars that did not have these cameras when the owners bought them. After-market rear-facing cameras are… Read More »

South Carolina Officials Warn Against Driving Golf Carts At Night
Of all the sports that one might play on a summer vacation, most of them are better suited to the daylight hours. From soccer, baseball, and basketball, to paintball, beach volleyball, and swimming, all of these fun activities are only fun if you can see where you are going. Golf is just one of… Read More »

Behavioral Changes After Traumatic Brain Injury
Phineas Gage has been called the world’s most famous neurosurgery patient. In 1848, while at work building a railroad in Vermont, he was injured in an accident where a railroad spike went through his head. The fact that he survived was surprising enough, but his behavioral changes after the accident have made him a… Read More »