Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Parts Manufacturer Issues Recall Of Steering Gears Installed In More Than 100,000 Trucks
Safety recall notices for car parts may seem like just another piece of junk mail, but you should take them seriously. Cars have been getting progressively safer for the past few decades, due to the invention of ever safer car parts, from the seatbelt to the airbag to the rear-facing camera. Another reason why… Read More »

South Carolina Legislature Introduces Bill Requiring Drunk Drivers To Pay Child Support To The Children Of DUI Crash Victims
One of the first things you find out when you research personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits is that these cases go through the civil courts, which are completely separate from the criminal courts; whether the at-fault driver who injured you faced criminal charges or went to jail does not determine the outcome of… Read More »

Man Receives 18-Year Prison Sentence For Causing Fatal Drugged Driving Collision In Spartanburg County
Clonazepam, also known by its brand name Klonopin, belongs to a category of drugs called benzodiazepines. Its approved medical uses include the treatment of seizures, panic disorder, and clinical anxiety. Even if Klonopin has been prescribed to you, it is not safe to take the drug before driving, because its side effects include drowsiness… Read More »

How To Help An Injured Person At The Scene Of A Car Accident
It is easy to panic and not to think clearly in the immediate aftermath, but sometimes the opposite can happen, and people can show a better than usual ability to stay calm and to think of solutions to immediate problems. In The Perennial Philosophy, Aldous Huxley describes an incident on a British military aircraft… Read More »

Your Personal Injury Lawyer Can Handle The Truth, Even If It Is Possible For The Defendant To Use It Against You
Anyone who is old enough to remember that you used to have to read the headlines of the tabloid magazines in the supermarket checkout line to find out largely implausible gossip about your favorite celebrities can tell you the Internet’s obsession with airing everyone’s dirty laundry 24 hours a day is making everyone miserable. … Read More »

Greenville County Man Gets Prison Sentence For DUI Crash That Killed Four Seniors
In South Carolina and most other states, the blood alcohol content (BAC) at which a person is considered legally drunk is 0.08 percent. You sometimes read in the news about people getting arrested for DUI or causing an accident when their BAC is twice the legal limit or even more. The definition of driving… Read More »

Back Seat Passengers In South Carolina Need Seat Belts, Too
Many adults remember the road trips they took as children. Perhaps, when you were a kid, you sprawled out in the backseat of your parents’ car somewhere in northern Mississippi and woke up once you had reached the familiar streets of your hometown in South Carolina. Maybe you and your siblings played a modified… Read More »

Car Accidents Involving Wet Roads
Some people like to stay home and listen to the rain fall outside their windows, while others prefer to put on their boots, grab an umbrella, and go for a walk in the rain. Hardly anyone likes to drive in rainy conditions. Approximately one of out every five car accidents occurs in adverse weather… Read More »

Personal Injury Lawyer Red Flags
If your injuries resulting from a car accident have left you with medical bills that exceed your insurance policy limit, filing a personal injury lawsuit is an option. Given the statute of limitations, you should begin contacting personal injury lawyers promptly, but you should not make a hasty decision about which lawyer to hire. … Read More »

Court Awards $4.6 Million To Family After Child Suffers Accidental Needle Stick Injury In Target Parking Lot
An accidental needle stick injury occurs in a split second, but it can have long-term effects on your physical health and emotional wellbeing. The danger of a needle stick injury is that it can expose you to bloodborne pathogens, possibly infecting you with diseases that are less contagious, but in some cases more severe,… Read More »