Author Archives: Jay Butchko

How To Avoid Alligator Attacks During Gator Breeding Season
What could be cuter than a river full of baby alligators, each about the length of a sheet of loose-leaf paper, flashing their toothy grins in the South Carolina sunshine? They show up around the same time each year, in the early fall. Everyone with a modicum of wilderness survival skills knows not to… Read More »

When It Comes To DUI Collisions In South Carolina, Columbia Ranks Somewhere In The Middle
Even though South Carolina is one of the less populous states in the U.S., it often ranks in the top ten states with the highest rate of drunk driving accidents. Even though traffic fatalities have declined in recent decades as cars have gotten safer and local and state governments have enforced laws against some… Read More »

Driver Faces Felony DUI Charges After Accident That Killed Grandmother And First Grader
Emma’s Law requires most South Carolina drivers who are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) to install ignition interlock devices on their cars, so that the car will not operate until its sensors are sure that the driver is sober. The law has been in effect since 2014, and it was… Read More »

Two Injured When Church Bus Overturns On Highway 24
In most traffic accidents, the fault for the accident either belongs entirely to one of the drivers involved or is shared among two or more drivers. Driving mistakes, including but not limited to speeding, distracted driving, and drunk driving, are not the only reason that vehicles can crash. These are not the only reasons… Read More »

Scary DUI Incident Narrowly Avoids Causing Serious Injuries
People who get injured in car accidents are in a strong legal position to recover damages, whether through insurance claims or lawsuits, if the at-fault driver left the scene of the accident, was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the collision, or both. The fact that you obviously deserve compensation does… Read More »

Taylors Woman Faces Charges For DUI Resulting In Death
Drunk driving is always a crime under South Carolina law, even when the driver does not cause an accident, but the penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI) vary according to the damage that the driver caused by driving drunk. The worst-case scenario is DUI resulting in death, when the… Read More »

Two Killed And Three Injured In Orangeburg Collision
Most people who drive in traffic at dangerously high speeds do not do it for fun and excitement. For people who enjoy the thrill of hurtling through space in a speeding vehicle, there are race tracks, amusement parks, and off-road vehicle areas. Distracted driving can lead to unsafe speeds, but distracted drivers usually realize… Read More »

Family Sues Bar Where Driver Got Drunk Before Fatal DUI Crash
In most car accidents involving drunk driving, the fault belongs to the person who drove after consuming alcohol. Occasionally, though, the bar or restaurant that served alcohol to the driver after they became too drunk to drive could also bear legal responsibility for the accident. The laws that provide for this kind of liability… Read More »

Teen Dies After Fall From Amusement Park Ride
There are a few daredevils out there in the world who drive in excess of 100 miles per hour, jump from tall structures, and intentionally get close to alligators and other predatory animals, but most of us refrain from such activities under ordinary circumstances because they are just too dangerous. Amusement park thrill rides… Read More »

Tips For Staying Safe During Myrtle Beach Bike Week
Myrtle Beach Bike Week begins on May 13 this year, and the countdown has already begun. IN less than eight weeks, the Grand Strand will be filled with the roar of motorcycle engines as local bikers meet up with visitors from out of town to enjoy the two things in life they love most,… Read More »