Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Car Strikes And Fatally Injures Pedestrian In Horry County
Children learn at a young age that they should look both ways before crossing the street, only cross at crosswalks and, if they are trying to cross at a busy intersection, wait for the walk sign to light up, even if it seems like it takes a long time. Despite this, many pedestrians suffer… Read More »

Safety Tips For Nighttime Motorcycle Rides
South Carolina is an ideal place for motorcycle riding at almost any time of year, day or night. Riding your motorcycle at night presents a special set of risks, whether you are riding in the big city or on a dark, isolated road in the mountains or coastal lowlands. No matter the circumstances, motorcyclists… Read More »

Surgical Malpractice In South Carolina
Thanks to the Internet, it seems like everyone thinks they know more than their doctors do about how to treat medical conditions, but there is a lot more to practicing medicine than can be summarized in a website about tendonitis or irritable bowel syndrome. Not every incident where a patient fails to respond to… Read More »

Calhoun County Teen Faces Manslaughter Charges After Fatal Collision
If you can get through your first year as a licensed driver without getting into a major wreck, you are off to a good start, and it will likely be smooth sailing as your years of a clean driving record add up and your insurance premiums decrease. Early driving career collisions can be devastating;… Read More »

Tips For A Safe Holiday Road Trip
When you are a child, you look forward to the winter holidays with unbridled enthusiasm. All you can think about is your Christmas stocking and the endless parade of sweets. Once you grow up, the annoyances and dangers of the holiday season become more obvious to you. Holiday travel, in particular, seems like an… Read More »

Holiday Season Begins With Deadly Thanksgiving Weekend
You can tell that the holiday season is upon us even when the weather is warm and you are too broke to buy gifts or attend parties. You can tell from the sickly sweet, and invariably secular, Christmas carols that play on the radio in restaurants and supermarkets, the ones that ruin your mood… Read More »

Mental Healthcare Malpractice
Most people would cite lack of access to mental healthcare as their biggest complaint regarding mental health practitioners. Even in big cities, most practicing psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and mental health counselors have full schedules and are not taking on new patients. When you finally get to see someone, the odds are not in your… Read More »

The Post Hoc Fallacy And Car Accident Cases
Learning about the various types of flawed arguments is arguably the most fun part of high school A.P. English. One of these flawed arguments, technically known as logical fallacies, is the post hoc argument. The Latin phrase post hoc ergo propter hoc means, “After this, therefore because of it.” These arguments are flawed because… Read More »

These Minor Driving Mistakes Are More Dangerous Than You Realize
The worst accidents, the ones that make the news, tend to result from the most egregious driving mistakes, such as driving at twice the speed limit or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Of course, most drivers would never be reckless enough to do those things, but almost everyone gets in a… Read More »

City Streets Pose Dangers For ATVs
All terrain vehicles (ATVs) are a popular form of recreation in South Carolina, but they carry considerable risks. Some ATVs have three wheels, making them the tricycle equivalent of a motorcycle, while others have four wheels; thus, they resemble an amusement park go-kart, except with handlebars instead of a steering wheel. As with motorcycles,… Read More »