Author Archives: Jay Butchko

New South Carolina Law Requires Ignition Interlock Devices For All DUI Convictions
When a group of people whose lives have been affected by drunk driving share their stories, the details vary from one accident to another. Some accidents involve young drivers with little experience with alcohol or with driving, while others involve drivers who were emboldened to drive drunk because they had done so in the… Read More »

A Premises Liability Case Involving An Exhibitor Injured At A Trade Show
Premises liability lawyers protect both business invitees and licensees who get injured at places of business, but the protections are stronger for invitees. At first, the difference between an invitee and a licensee is clear; invitees are customers, so their visit to the place of business conveys financial benefit to the business, but not… Read More »

New Law Prohibits Police Trucks On Horry County Beaches
Walking on the beach is lovely, especially in Myrtle Beach and the surrounding area of the South Carolina coastline, but so are other forms of beach transportation. You can roller skate, skateboard, or bike on the boardwalk and swim, water ski, or ride a boat or jet ski in the ocean; you can even… Read More »

Rollover Accidents In South Carolina
Just before dawn on July 27, 2024, Yolanda Johnson of Conway was driving a 2002 Chevrolet SUV on Secondary Highway 19 near Loris when her car drove off the road. The vehicle struck a tree and overturned. Johnson was pronounced dead at the scene. She was 45 years old. As of July 28, the… Read More »

A Settlement Is Better Than A Directed Verdict In A Personal Injury Case
You might be disappointed if you visit a personal injury lawyer for a consultation, and your lawyer talks more about getting a settlement than about a strategy for winning your case at trial. A settlement does not sound like winning; it sounds like you compromised on your demands, just so you could keep the… Read More »

How Is Human Error Different From Machine Error In Car Accidents?
Autonomous vehicle technology is not an apocalyptic battle between humans and machines. In most new cars driving home from the dealership today, the human and the car share decision-making responsibilities. Autonomous vehicle technology is a matter of how much, rather than a yes or no question. Journalists have been saying for several years that… Read More »

Staying Safe Around Swimming Pools This Summer
In South Carolina, the weather is right for swimming for most of the year, but swimming pool-related accidents that result in injury or death are more frequent in the summer months. This is because children, who account for a disproportionate number of pool swimmers in general, as well as swimming pool accident victims, are… Read More »

3 Activities That Increase Your Risk Of Brain Or Spinal Cord Injury
Everywhere you click, you find advice about foods and activities that increase or decrease your risk of certain injuries or illnesses. Despite clickbait headlines that claim that you will be shocked to find out, most of these are common sense. Every third grader knows that physical exercise and a diet that includes a variety… Read More »

Are Red Cars More Dangerous?
You have probably heard the urban legend about how insurance rates are higher for red cars. According to this line of thinking, red cars are more eye-catching, and therefore the people who drive them want to be seen. The drivers of red cars are more likely to make risky driving moves, such as speeding,… Read More »

Negligence In South Carolina Personal Injury Cases
If accidents just happen, why are there personal injury lawsuits? Isn’t the definition of an accident an occurrence that is no one’s fault? When you look more closely at the factors that led to the accident, you might find that, while no one caused the accident on purpose, there are one or more actions… Read More »