Car Accident Statistics: The Good, The Bad, And The Nerdy

When you see the bills from your hospital stay after a car accident, it can make you feel like you are alone in the world, especially if your injuries are severe enough that you still have not been able to go back to work. Car accidents are a leading cause of injuries, and most of them are preventable. Your concern in the short term should be taking care of your health; the bills might be scary, but you have the right to get necessary medical treatment paid for by responsible parties. When it comes to negotiating with insurance companies and filing personal injury lawsuits, you may need to prove that the at-fault driver’s negligence was extraordinary. Carsurance compiles statistics each year which can give you an idea of how common or how rare the circumstances of your accident were. To help you recover compensation after getting injured in a car accident, contact a South Carolina car accident lawyer.
Sobering Statistics About Car Accidents in the United States
- Car accidents cause more than $800 billion of financial losses in the United States each year.
- Cell phone distractions account for about 1.6 million car accidents in the United States each year, accounting for approximately a quarter of all collisions.
- The leading causes of traffic fatalities are, in descending order or frequency, drunk driving, excessive speed, distracted driving, and adverse weather conditions. Alcohol is a factor in nearly a third of traffic fatalities.
- Headlights that are too bright or not bright enough increase the likelihood of an accident. Only one in 31 cars currently on the road has headlights that are the proper brightness.
- The number of drunk drivers on the road is much higher than DUI statistics indicate. Based on data from drivers self-reporting their alcohol use, only one out of every 100 drunk driving trips results in a DUI arrest.
Now for Some Encouraging News
- You are safer riding in a car in the U.S. than in most other countries; compared with the world average, the United States has a low rate of traffic fatalities.
- Nearly 90 percent of drivers on the road at any given time are wearing seatbelts. Nationwide, seatbelts saved about 15,000 lives in 2017.
- 72 percent of car accidents result in property damage only, with no injuries or fatalities.
Did You Know?
- Most car accidents are caused by people between the ages of 20 and 65. Teen drivers caused about 12 percent of accidents in 2017, whereas elderly drivers caused just over 7 percent.
- Slightly more than half of licensed drivers are women, but men caused 80 percent of accidents. On average, men drive 30 more miles per year than women.
Contact Us Today for Help
A Columbia car accident lawyer can help you get the money you need for your medical bills and other car accident-related expenses, such as lost income. Contact The Stanley Law Group for a consultation today.