Car Crashes Through Storefront In Charleston

When two cars collide with each other, it is always a relief when no one suffers permanent injuries, but even if the resulting injuries are minor, the medical bills are still plenty painful. In cases like these, the way to resolve the financial issues is with the drivers of the two vehicles involved. Even though advertisements and news stories do not always send this message, most clients of personal injury lawyers can get the money they need to cover their accident-related medical bills and vehicle repairs through an insurance claim; the lawyers simply negotiate with insurance companies and do not have to go through the stressful and costly process of suing anyone. When a car hits a stationary object, such as a building, the process is similar. A Columbia car accident lawyer can help you if you were injured while riding in a car that struck a stationary object.
The Curse of the Crumbl Cookie Crashes
In January 2024, a car crashed through the storefront of a Crumble Cookie store in Charleston, South Carolina. No one suffered serious injuries. No official reports have cited specific reasons for the cause of the accident, but the Country 103.7 website said that the driver may have temporarily blacked out while driving in the parking lot of the shopping center, causing her to lose control of the car. Perhaps the strangest thing about this accident is how closely it resembles similar incidents in North Carolina and Ohio. In both of those incidents, a car collided with a Crumbl Cookie store or, in one case, with a planter in front of the store, and no one was seriously injured.
Who Is Responsible When a Car Crashes Into a Storefront?
In most cases, the party that could have done the most to avoid a single-vehicle car accident is the driver, especially if he or she was under the influence of alcohol or distracted by a cell phone. In some cases, though, dangerous road conditions such as potholes can cause a driver to lose control of the car. If the accident resulted from a vehicle defect such as a dysfunctional brake or wheel, then the driver and any injured passengers could file a product liability claim against the manufacturer of the vehicle or its defective part. If the car hits a building and people inside the building get injured, then they have the same rights to file the same claims.
Premises liability lawsuits only hold business owners responsible when a preventable accident at a place of business causes injury to customers. In light of the recent dram shop case in which a drunk driver hit a golf cart that was carrying members of a wedding party, South Carolina has imposed greater restrictions on the liability of businesses for accidents. It is unlikely that a business owner could have made the structure more resistant to unlikely events like a car driving through the front of the store; simply operating a store in a strip mall is not negligence.
Let Us Help You Today
The car accident lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you get fair compensation in a single vehicle accident case. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.