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Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Blog > Car Accident > Fall Driving Hazards In South Carolina

Fall Driving Hazards In South Carolina


South Carolina is beautiful at any time of year.  It is no wonder that it is such a popular destination for tourists and retirees.  One reason to commend South Carolina over Florida as a retirement destination is that, while South Carolina has a warm enough climate that some parts of the state rarely see snow, colorful autumn leaves are on display at certain times of year.  In fact, South Carolina in the fall is a vastly underrated vacation spot.  Whether you come here to see the exquisite autumn leaves, to hunt, or to party like a perennial bridesmaid, an autumn visit to the Palmetto State will not disappoint you.  Despite this, autumn brings with it some seasonal hazards for drivers.  If you got injured in a traffic accident while visiting South Carolina, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.

Beware of Deer

Louisiana may be the state where you can choose license plates that say “sportsman’s paradise,” but South Carolina could claim that title if it so wished.  Deer hunting in South Carolina is a unique experience.  Fall is mating season for deer, so in the fall, deer are bolder about venturing outside their usual territory and into areas populated by humans.  It is common to see deer crossing the road in the autumn.  Deer have no regard for traffic safety laws, and to say that it is a distraction when a deer runs in front of your car, or worse, stops in its tracks in the middle of the road, is putting it mildly.

Beware of Autumn Leaves

Like deer, autumn leaves are lovely to behold, but they pose a danger to drivers when they are on the road.  As soon as the leaves get wet, they become slippery and slimy.  In the worst cases, driving on a road coated in wet leaves is as dangerous as driving on a road coated in snow.

Beware of Drunk Drivers

Even though people tend to worry more about the driving hazards caused by nature, drunk driving causes more traffic deaths than all weather-related and wildlife-related accidents put together.  Enforcement of drunk driving laws usually ramps up during the holiday season, between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, but the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving are also replete with drinking occasions, which can easily turn into drunk driving occasions.  Football season means tailgate parties, in which the main ingredients are alcoholic beverages and motor vehicles.  Oktoberfest is also a major drinking event, and young adults who have only recently aged out of trick or treating sometimes turn Halloween into a pub crawl.

Let Us Help You Today

You need a South Carolina personal injury lawyer if you have been injured in a car accident in South Carolina, whether you live here or you were just visiting.  The medical malpractice lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you recover damages if you have suffered a serious injury as a result of a car accident.  Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.



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