Fall Foliage Safety Hazards For Drivers And Pedestrians

October is here, and another beautiful South Carolina autumn is coming soon. In South Carolina, you get to experience the beautiful colors of fall foliage even as the temperatures remain mild; the drive to South Carolina’s many fall festivals is as enjoyable as the festivities themselves. Fall leaves look beautiful when they are on the trees and as they are falling, but much like snow, they can create plenty of safety risks once they are on the ground, and the longer they stay there, the more trouble they can cause. At backyard barbecues, homeowners are fond of grumbling about all the hassles of homeownership, and in the fall, raking fall leaves and cleaning gutters rank highly on the list, but autumn leaves can be more than just a hassle; they can cause serious injuries. The owners of private property are responsible for removing fallen leaves and otherwise keeping their property safe from hazards that could injure customers or guests; local and state governments have the same responsibilities regarding public property. If you have suffered serious injuries because of an accident involving autumn leaves on a slippery surface, contact a Columbia premises liability lawyer.
The Dangers of Fall Leaves on Walkways
Autumn leaves on sidewalks and other walkways can easily create a slippery surface. Even if it has not rained since the leaves fell, the moisture in the environment quickly causes the leaves to rot and become slimy. The risk of slipping and falling on a walkway covered in rotten autumn leaves is similar to the risk of slipping and falling on a walkway covered in ice after some snow has melted and refrozen. Therefore, it is important for property owners to rake fallen leaves and discard them soon after they have fallen.
Customers who get injured in a slip and fall accident at a place of business, whether it is due to fallen leaves or any other slippery substance, have the right to file a premises liability lawsuit against the owner if they can prove that the accident was preventable. Invited guests who get injured at private residences also have the right to sue for premises liability.
The Dangers of Autumn Leaves on Roads and in Parking Lots
Fall leaves that have accumulated on roads and other surfaces where people drive can also be dangerous. They are slippery, creating a similar hazard to rain or ice. Furthermore, they can block drivers’ view of potholes. It is also dangerous to park on a pile of leaves, wet or dry, because the high temperature of the engine of a car that has recently been turned off can cause the leaves to combust, causing a fire.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you suffered a serious injury because of a preventable accident involving fallen autumn leaves on private or public property. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.