Family Of Teen Injured In Go-Kart Accident Sues South Carolina Theme Park

Taking a school trip to a theme park in a state with year-round sunshine is a rite of passage for teens from temperate climates. Teens who play team sports have even more opportunities to engage in such festivities than those who must simply wait until their entire graduating class piles onto a charter bus headed for Dollywood, even though that is still plenty of fun. Most of the time teen theme park visits result in nothing more damaging than photographic evidence of how silly you looked with the hairstyle you wore sophomore year of high school, but occasionally serious accidents happen, and those are the ones that make the news. Who can forget the terrifying story of the teen from Missouri who fell to his death from a theme park ride while visiting Florida? The family of a middle school student who got injured in a go-kart accident during her softball team’s trip to South Carolina is suing the Myrtle Beach theme park where the accident happened. A Columbia premises liability lawyer can help you if you got injured at a tourist destination during a visit to South Carolina.
Go-Karts Are Built to Crash
Go-karts may look like toys, but the ones you find on go-kart tracks at amusement parks are actual motor vehicles with gasoline engines. Despite this, the target audience for them is youths in their early to mid-teens. Once you have a driver’s license, driving in circles at a much slower speed than your mom’s Prius can go seems a lot less exciting. Despite this, the makers of go-karts and the operators of go-kart facilities know that the folks behind the wheel are inexperienced drivers. Therefore, even though everyone who is young enough to remember what fun feels like knows the difference between a go-kart and a bumper car, collisions are a routine occurrence on go-kart tracks.
In December 2023, a girls’ softball team from New Jersey visited the Broadway Grand Prix in Myrtle Beach during a trip to South Carolina. While they were riding the go-karts, one girl accidentally crashed her go-kart into her teammate’s go-kart, which is normal, and the struck go-kart burst into flames, which is not. The 13-year-old girl in the struck go-kart was trapped inside and suffered severe burns. Her parents, who accompanied her on the South Carolina trip, have filed a premises liability lawsuit against the Broadway Grand Prix.
What to Do If You Get Injured at a Tourist Attraction While Visiting South Carolina
In premises liability cases, the courts in the state where the accident happened have jurisdiction. Therefore, if you get injured in a preventable accident while visiting South Carolina, you should hire a South Carolina personal injury lawyer.
Let Us Help You Today
The premises lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you have suffered a serious injury in a preventable accident at a theme park. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.