Hit And Run Accident That Killed Two Men Results In Prison Sentence For Woman Convicted Of Causing Collision

The law requires drivers who are involved in traffic collisions to stop at the site of the collision and see if anyone is injured. If there are injuries, then both drivers must remain at the scene until first responders arrive to render assistance to the injured people. It is possible to get criminal charges for leaving the scene of an accident involving serious bodily injury even if you were not at fault for causing the collision, or if you bear only a small percentage of responsibility for causing the accident. Even if the hit and run driver does not face criminal charges, or if the criminal case does not result in a conviction, leaving the scene of an accident with injuries counts as negligence pursuant to personal injury laws. In other words, the injured person has the right to sue the driver who left the scene and seek damages in the amount of the injured person’s medical bills and other accident-related financial losses. If you have suffered serious injuries in an accident where the at fault driver left the scene, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.
Collision Near FedEx Center in Florence Leads to Two Deaths and a Prison Sentence
The accident occurred just after 3:00 a.m. one day in March 2019, on Highway 52 near the FedEx Center. Lauren Alexis Green was driving a 2013 Chevy Malibu, which collided with a moped which two men were riding. Both occupants of the moped died as a result of the collision. Green fled the scene of the accident. Police later identified the victims as Terod Williams, 38, and Edward Beck, 50.
In the ensuing legal proceedings, the victims’ families and the prosecution argued that the victims would have survived their injuries if Green had stopped to call 911. Green’s lawyer argued that Green did not violate any traffic laws and did not cause the accident, but that she knew about the accident and knew that she should have stopped, which is why she turned herself in at a police station shortly after the accident. Her lawyer implied that her motivation for leaving the scene was fear of legal consequences.
Green was eventually convicted of two counts of leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death, although news sources did not indicate whether she was convicted at trial or whether she pleaded guilty. In January 2023, the court sentenced Green, 33, to eight years in prison. She will become eligible for parole after she serves 85 percent of her sentence.
Let Us Help You Today
It is still possible to get justice after a hit and run accident, even if the driver who left the scene did not get a criminal conviction. The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you are struggling with the medical bills after a hit and run accident. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.