Holiday Season Begins With Deadly Thanksgiving Weekend

You can tell that the holiday season is upon us even when the weather is warm and you are too broke to buy gifts or attend parties. You can tell from the sickly sweet, and invariably secular, Christmas carols that play on the radio in restaurants and supermarkets, the ones that ruin your mood even if you are generally an optimistic person who is aware of the many things for which you should be grateful. You can tell from the grown men who show up to work in tacky Christmas sweaters; this makes you smile, even if you are a misanthrope. When you are an adult, you are aware that, behind almost everyone’s holiday cheer is a lifetime of sad memories which the holidays bring into focus, the beloved relatives who have passed away and with whom the holidays will never be the same, the friends and family members with whom people have tried unsuccessfully to reconcile. It is also the time of year that sees the greatest density of traffic accidents. This year, the holiday season traffic fatalities have already begun. If you were injured in a car accident in South Carolina during Thanksgiving weekend, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.
South Carolina Reports Six Traffic Fatalities During the Thanksgiving Holiday
On the first Monday in December, the South Carolina Department of Public Safety reported that six people died in traffic accidents during the Thanksgiving holiday, that is, between 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27 and 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, December 1. During the Thanksgiving holiday in 2023, there were 11 traffic fatalities in South Carolina. Considering that some people begin their Thanksgiving travel before Wednesday evening, it would be possible to count additional traffic fatalities as belonging to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Thanksgiving Is Not Even the Deadliest Holiday for Traffic Fatalities
Thanksgiving weekend is just the beginning of one of the most dangerous times to drive. Traffic accidents peak during the winter holidays because so many people go on road trips; the winter weather and the alcohol-fueled holiday parties do not help. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Thanksgiving is not even close to being the most dangerous holiday for motor vehicle accidents; in fact, it comes in at number five. This could be because people tend to stay put for most of the weekend once they reach their travel destination. The holidays that have more fatal accidents nationwide than Thanksgiving are New Year’s Eve, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, and Memorial Day. With more road trips and more drinking, the summer holidays are even more dangerous. No matter the time of year, if you get injured in a preventable accident, you have the right to recover compensation for your accident-related financial losses through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you pursue a complaint related to a car accident that happened during Thanksgiving weekend. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.