How Much Insurance Settlement Money Can You Expect After Common Car Accident Injuries?

If you think that medical treatment is unfairly and absurdly expensive, you are right. You are also right if, even with your unimpressive math skills, you can tell that the amount the insurance company is offering you as a settlement after a car accident is much less than the total of the medical bills you incurred. Even if you recover fully from your injuries and soon return to work at the same job you had before the accident, the medical bills can follow you around for years, and sometimes the insurance settlement money is barely enough to make a dent. The insurance companies mean for it to be this way; they are more interested in protecting their own financial interests than they are in your health. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. You can negotiate for an adequate settlement that fully reimburses you for the medical expenses you incurred in a car accident where you were not at fault. The best way to do this is with the help of a Columbia car accident lawyer.
Common Car Accident Injuries and Their Expected Insurance Payouts
The car accidents that you hear about on the news are the worst ones, the ones that result in fatalities or catastrophic injuries, but accidents that result in non-life-threatening injuries are far more common. Insurance companies offer payouts on these every day. In most cases, the cost of the treatment of injuries arising from car accidents falls within the policy holder’s policy limit, but the settlement offer is considerably lower than the full cost of treatment. These are some examples of common car accident injuries and how much insurance companies typically pay for claims related to them:
- Whiplash injury – Whiplash is a painful injury where the treatment is mostly supportive; although it is hard to see the soft tissue injuries that constitute whiplash injury on diagnostic images, the imaging is expensive and is necessary to rule out other causes of the symptoms. An average settlement can be from $5,000 to $20,000.
- Concussion – As with whiplash injury, concussions cause pain and other symptoms that interfere with everyday activities, sometimes lasting for months. Diagnosis of concussion requires CT scans and MRIs, and except in the mildest cases, it takes several weeks before patients can return to their previous work schedules. Insurance settlements for accident-related concussions tend to range from $20,000 to $30,000.
- Knee and shoulder injuries – These injuries are a common result of car accidents, and they vary in severity, and therefore in the cost of treatment. The typical insurance settlement can range from $30,000 to $100,000, depending on the length of hospitalization after the injury and which surgeries, if any, the patient requires.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you did not receive an adequate insurance settlement offer after a car accident. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.