How Much Money Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Help You Get After A Car Accident?

Most Americans, even the ones that are healthy and employed, feel overwhelmed by a constant stream of bills. Everyone focuses on how to get more money and how to reduce expenses, but hardly anyone has time to think about why they owe as much money as they do and why it is so hard to pay. “Don’t get sick” is one of the oldest and most cynical pieces of personal finance advice, since medical bills are very expensive, and because you need your health in order to be able to earn an income. The injuries you sustain in a car accident can end up costing you lots of money, even beyond the obvious expenses like medical bills. The only personal injury cases you hear about in the news are the ones where plaintiffs requested and received millions of dollars, either because the plaintiff’s injuries were so severe or because the defendant’s negligence was so extreme. Just because the details of your case are not as shocking as the ones in the personal injury cases you read about in the news, it does not mean that you are not entitled to a settlement for your accident-related losses. A Columbia car accident lawyer can help you recover compensation after a car accident in which you were injured, with or without a lawsuit.
Insurance Policy Limits
Every driver in South Carolina must carry liability insurance that covers, among other things, medical expenses related to accidents that the insured driver causes; the minimum required amounts of bodily injury coverage are $25,000 per person or $50,000 per accident, whichever is less. Some people have additional insurance coverage, whether in the form of liability insurance or uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.
Insurance is supposed to cover all the financial losses you incur as a result of the car accident, including medical bills, vehicle repairs, and renting a rental car, if applicable. Getting your insurance or the at-fault driver’s insurance to cover your accident-related expenses is not as simple as it sounds. Car insurance companies are not exactly generous, and they can use every driving mistake you have ever made or every previous injury you have ever suffered as an excuse to pay you less. Car accident lawyers can help you negotiate with insurance companies; the earlier in the process you contact a lawyer, the better.
Economic and Noneconomic Damages
If your injuries are so severe that the applicable insurance policies cannot cover them, filing a car accident lawsuit could be the best option. Plaintiffs in personal injury lawsuits request economic damages equal to the amount of accident-related losses, such as medical expenses and lost income. Those whose injuries are especially severe can also request noneconomic damages, also known as pain and suffering.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you get the money you need after a car accident, whether through an insurance claim or a lawsuit. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.