How To Tell Whether To Hire A Lawyer After A Car Accident

Businesses often tell you how much money you can save by paying for their services, but don’t you save more money by not paying for any services at all? Personal injury lawyers are in the business of helping people recover money for financial losses that they suffered because of preventable accidents. Although today’s cars are smart enough to alert drivers in time to avoid many collisions, car accidents are still a common occurrence, but not every fender bender requires the intervention of an attorney. Meanwhile, car accidents that result in moderate to severe injury can cause long-lasting financial hardship, not only because of the medical bills, but also due to the temporary or permanent reduction in income that many injured people suffer because of their injuries. If medical bills from a car accident are a source of ongoing financial stress for you, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.
Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You Get the Money You Need to Cover Accident-Related Medical Bills
Medical debt is one of the main reasons that so many American households, including many households where two adults have full-time jobs, are living paycheck to paycheck or going deeper into debt every month. It is a wise decision to go to the emergency room after a car accident, but if you did not need additional treatment after the ER visit, then you probably do not need a car accident lawyer, especially if you have health insurance. If your accident-related medical bills are in the thousands, however, then you should contact a lawyer. The lawyer can protect you from fancy logic by insurance companies where they try to blame your need for medical treatment on pre-existing health conditions instead of accident-related injuries. Unless your medical bills are more than the at fault driver’s policy limit, your car accident lawyer can probably get you the settlement you need to cover the bills without filing a lawsuit.
A Lawyer Can Help You Resolve Disputes About Fault for the Accident
Even if the injuries are minor and most of your accident-related financial losses are in the form of vehicle damage, you may still need a car accident lawyer if you and the other driver disagree about who is at fault for the accident. The insurance company of a driver who is completely at fault pays for all the accident-related losses. Under the law of comparative negligence, a driver who is mostly at fault pays for most of the accident-related losses. A lawyer can convincingly present your side of the story so that you do not bear the financial burden associated with the accident.
Let Us Help You Today
The car accident lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you are responsible for thousands of dollars in medical bills after an accident or if the insurance companies are wrongfully pinning the blame on you. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.