Man Accused Of Causing Collision That Killed One Twin Sister And Injured The Other Withdraws Guilty Plea

Most people who cause car accidents do not get criminal charges. If the insurance companies determine that you are at fault, or mostly at fault, for a car accident, usually the worst consequence is that your insurance premiums increase; in some cases, you can avoid criminal charges by completing a driver education course. If the accident causes fatalities or catastrophic injuries, however, the at-fault driver can get criminal charges, including vehicular homicide, especially if the driver was doing something extremely dangerous, like driving at double the speed limit or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Whether or not the driver who caused your car accident injuries gets charged with or convicted of a crime in connection with the accident, you have the right to file a car accident lawsuit in civil court and seek damages for your accident-related financial losses. The first step toward doing this is to contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.
Fatal Collision Separates Inseparable Twin Sisters
Kathy Myers, known as Kaki, and her twin sister Amy Myers, did everything together; they even rode in the car together on the last night of Kaki’s life. When the Myers sisters were stopped at a red light in August 2019, Bradley Medlock of Taylors rear-ended their car. Kaki died at the scene; she was 32 years old. Amy’s ordeal did not end there, though; she suffered a brain hemorrhage, a concussion, fractures of the vertebrae in her neck, and a spinal cord injury known as internal decapitation. When she arrived at the hospital, doctors gave her a 30 percent chance of surviving. She was hospitalized for months and underwent spinal fusion surgery and now has 12 titanium bolts in her neck. The worst part, though, was losing her twin sister.
Medlock, 51, was charged with reckless homicide and assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. Nearly two years after the fatal accident, Medlock decided to plead guilty. About a week before his plea hearing, Medlock and his lawyer became aware of additional testimony by Amy and her father George Myers, about the severity of Amy’s injuries and the family’s suffering because of the loss of Kaki. Medlock’s lawyer requested to withdraw the guilty plea, and the judge granted the request. With the original plea withdrawn, Medlock may enter another guilty plea and seek a plea deal, or he may plead not guilty, in which case his case will go to trial. Regardless of the outcome of his case, Amy has the right to file a personal injury lawsuit regarding her own injuries, and the family has to file a wrongful death lawsuit in connection to Kaki’s death.
Let Us Help You Today
A car accident lawyer can help you collect damages if you have suffered catastrophic injuries in a car accident, whether or not the at-fault driver received criminal charges. Contact The Stanley Law Group for a consultation.