Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Against Michelin Results In Ruling In Favor Of Tire Company

Even in a single-vehicle accident, if someone else’s negligence caused the accident, you have the right to seek damages from them for your medical bills and other accident-related losses. It is safe to ride a motorcycle, and usually possible to avoid accidents, if you follow the traffic laws, use caution, and wear a motorcycle helmet. In the event of an accident, though, a motorcycle does not offer you much protection, and your chances of suffering serious injuries are much greater than if you had been riding in a car. If the accident resulted from a defect in the motorcycle or one of its parts, you have the right to file a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer of the motorcycle or the defective part. If you suffered serious injuries because of an unanticipated malfunction of your motorcycle, contact a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer.
Couple Injured in Motorcycle Crash Caused by Tire Malfunction Unable to Recover Damages From Michelin
One day in 2017, Ron Nash and his wife Rose went for a ride on Ron’s motorcycle. As they were riding on Highway 78, a rural road in Dorchester County, South Carolina, one of the tires of the motorcycle unexpectedly blew out, causing the motorcycle to crash. Both riders suffered permanent severe injuries; Ron has been paralyzed since the accident.
In 2019, the injured couple filed a lawsuit against Michelin, the company that manufactured the tires on the motorcycle. The plaintiffs alleged that the direct cause of the crash was a defective tire; road conditions and Ron Nash’s actions could not have caused the tire to blow out. The plaintiffs requested $66 million in damages, including economic damages for past and future medical expenses and past and future lost income and noneconomic damages for pain and suffering.
The case resulted in a jury trial in November 2021. The jurors unanimously decided that Michelin was not at fault for the accident, and therefore the court did not award damages to the plaintiffs. Personal injury lawsuits that go to trial are the exception rather than the rule; this is true of product liability lawsuits as well as cases where a person injured in a car accident sues the driver who caused the collision. Most personal injury lawsuits settle before they get to trial; when this happens, the defendant and the plaintiff agree, without a judge having to decide, how much compensation the defendant should pay the plaintiff. If your injuries are not permanent, but still result in expensive medical bills, you may be able to get the money you need just by having your lawyer negotiate with the insurance company, without having to resort to a lawsuit.
Contact Us Today for Help
The motorcycle accident injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you seek damages if you suffered severe injuries after a motorcycle accident that resulted from a defect with your motorcycles. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.