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Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Blog > Car Accident > Music Can Help You Heal After A Serious Injury, But It Doesn’t Pay The Bills

Music Can Help You Heal After A Serious Injury, But It Doesn’t Pay The Bills


Happiness has as much to do with your attitude as it does with your circumstances.  Being able to appreciate the simple pleasures in life and to be grateful for the people and places that have always been there for you makes it easier to deal with life’s long-term hardships and minor annoyances.  You may have a long day ahead of you at work, and when you finish, the money might barely be enough to pay the bills, but the song on the radio as you pull into the parking lot of your workplace makes it all seem manageable.  Life’s simple pleasures, such as music, do not take away the pain of a serious injury, but they do make it easier to get through your day.  They do not, however, pay the bills.  Medical debt can be devastating, even to people with the sunniest of dispositions, and even if they have health insurance and are grateful for it.  The good news is that, if your injuries are the result of a car accident where you were not primarily at fault, you can seek compensation for your accident-related medical expenses from the at fault driver or the driver’s insurance company.  For help getting the money you need to cover your accident-related medical bills, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.

The Long Road to Recovery After a Traumatic Brain Injury

A few weeks ago, everything was going great for Trae Ocheltree of Lexington, but a car accident threw his plans off course.  He had just finished his junior year of high school, and he was driving in his pickup truck with his girlfriend Lauren, when a car T-boned his truck.  Trae was partially ejected from the truck as a result of the accident.  Lauren was released from the hospital after a brief stay, but Trae’s injuries were more severe.  He suffered multiple bone fractures and a traumatic brain injury.  His guitar was also destroyed during the accident.

Trae remained unconscious for two days, as his family and friends gathered around him and prayed for his recovery.  When one of his friends played “Revival” by Zach Bryan, Trae began to sing along in a weak voice.  That was when everyone knew that his path to recovery was beginning.  Several days later, Trae was moved to a hospital in Atlanta that specializes in brain injury rehabilitation.  He hopes to begin his senior year on time this fall.

Given that even basic healthcare is beyond most people’s budgets, the specialized treatment required after a traumatic brain injury is frightfully expensive.  Trae and other patients whose brain injuries are the result of preventable accidents have the right to get their treatment paid for by the responsible parties or their insurers by filing an insurance claim or lawsuit.

Let Us Help You Today

The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you suffered a brain injury in a car accident.  Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.



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