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Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Blog > Car Accident > Nervous System Injuries

Nervous System Injuries


Every part of your body performs a unique function, and you take them all for granted until something goes wrong with them.  You have been breathing constantly since you were born, but chances are that you never think about your lungs, except perhaps when you feel out of breath after an unusually strenuous workout or after carrying a heavy suitcase up a flight of stairs.  You are only aware that your diaphragm exists when you have the hiccups, and your bladder is only the focus of your attention when there is a long line for the bathroom.  Your nerves are involved with every voluntary movement of your body, as well as with the function of your internal organs.  Injuries to your nervous system can be among the most disruptive injuries you can get.  Some of them cause symptoms for long periods of time, or even for the rest of your life, and while research is always continuing, the currently available treatments are limited.  If you suffered a nerve injury as a result of a preventable accident, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.

How Do Nerve Injuries Occur?

Most nerve injuries result from physical trauma to the affected nerve, whether because of an accidental fall, motor vehicle accident, violent assault, or sports mishap.  They can also occur if a surgeon must interfere with a nerve in order to operate on a nearby body part.  Likewise, autoimmune diseases, infections, and degenerative diseases can damage nerves.

Why Are Nervous System Injuries So Difficult to Treat?

Most parts of the body heal quickly after an injury, but nerves do not.  The nerve cells of the peripheral nervous system, that is, everywhere in the body except the brain and spinal cord, regenerate themselves, but this takes a long time, and the older you are, the longer it takes.  The cells of the central nervous system, that is, the brain and spinal cord, do not regenerate themselves at all, although they have some ability to reorganize.

Therefore, the treatment for nervous system injuries is supportive.  For peripheral nervous system injuries, doctors may prescribe physical therapy to strengthen the muscles near the injured nerve and preserve function of the affected body parts.  As for spinal cord injuries, researchers have developed elaborate devices to make it possible for people with spinal cord injuries to live independently, but the function that people have been able to regain has been limited.

Seeking Compensation for a Nerve Injury Resulting From a Preventable Accident

If you suffered a nerve injury in an accident, your injuries may be worse than they look, and the treatment may be more expensive than the insurance companies want to admit.  A personal injury lawyer can help you assess the cost of the treatment you will need in the future for your nerve injury, in addition to the treatment you have already had.

Let Us Help You Today

The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you pursue a complaint related to nerve damage resulting from an accidental injury.  Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.



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