Pedestrian Struck by Two Vehicles in Colleton County Hit and Run

When you get into a car accident, you have a legal obligation to remain at the scene until you are sure that no one was hurt or that any injured people receive medical attention. Leaving the scene of an accident with injuries or fatalities, also known as hit and run, is a felony and can result in a prison sentence as well as driver’s license suspension. Despite this, an alarming number of accidents involving serious injuries are hit and run crashes, especially when the victim of the accident is a pedestrian or bicyclist. People do not leave the scene of the accident simply because they do not care that they hurt someone. In some hit and run accidents, the driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs and does not realize that they hit someone. More often though, they simply leave the scene out of panic, fearing the criminal penalties they could receive for causing the accident. Whether or not the driver who caused your injuries and then left the scene gets criminal charges, and even if the driver’s identity is never discovered, you have the right to seek compensation for your accident-related financial losses in a civil lawsuit. The first step is to contact a South Carolina car accident lawyer.
One Man Charged With Hit and Run After Fatal Hit and Run
Nathaniel Sutter lived in Colleton County, South Carolina his whole life. On January 24, he was walking near his home at about 10:00 in the evening. When he passed by the former site of the Camelot Nightclub on S.C. Highway 61, a car struck him and did not stop. Bystanders ran out of the nearby houses and saw Sutter lying facedown in the road. They attempted to alert the driver of another approaching car in order to stop the car from hitting him, but the second driver either did not notice him or could not avoid hitting him. The second car also left the scene without stopping.
The bystanders called 911, and first responders arrived nine minutes later, but Sutter had already died. He was 41 years old. He is survived by his three children, his father, and his five siblings, as well as extended family members.
On January 29, Sheriff’s deputies arrested Harry Hysaun Britt III, 27, of St. George after identifying his vehicle as one of the two that struck Sutter. Britt faces criminal charges for leaving the scene of a fatality accident and for driving with a suspended license. The other driver who struck Sutter has yet to be identified.
Let Us Help You Today
Whether or not the driver who struck you stays at the scene of the accident, the injuries when a pedestrian gets hit by a car are often severe, and their treatment is expensive. Consulting a Columbia car accident lawyer is one of the first steps to moving forward. Contact The Stanley Law Group for help today.