Personal Injury Lawyer Behavior Interpreted

Interpersonal relationships are difficult, even if you are an extravert and pride yourself on your social skills. It is easy to find advice about building healthy, productive relationships with your children or your spouse, and dating advice is a multibillion dollar industry. Professional relationships are just as important, though, including the relationship between plaintiffs in personal injury cases and the lawyers representing. Finding a personal injury lawyer who is a good fit for you is helpful for making your case less stressful and getting a successful outcome. The workings of the legal profession may seem strange to people who have not worked in that field, though. It might seem like your lawyer is being antagonistic, when he or she is just trying to help you. Likewise, behaviors that look like your lawyer is going the extra mile for you could be red flags. To find out more about how personal injury claims work and what to expect from your attorney, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.
Is It Good or Bad When Your Lawyer Disagrees With You?
Sometimes clients get an unpleasant surprise during their initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer. The client goes to the consultation hoping to sue the driver who caused an accident and injured him, but the lawyer insists on negotiating with the insurance company first. When personal injury lawyers disagree with you or give you pushback, they are speaking from professional experience and from knowledge of the law. You should choose a lawyer who welcomes challenging questions; a lawyer who is willing to engage in verbal sparring is ideal, because the two of you can reach an understanding by the time you get to the courtroom. This is better than if your lawyer shuts down discussion or, conversely, lets you call the shots even if you are clueless, because your lawyer is still getting paid.
Is Aggression a Desirable Quality in Lawyers?
Lawyers often describe themselves as aggressive in their marketing content. No one wants a belligerent lawyer, though. A lawyer who bickers with colleagues about everything wastes time that you are paying for. A lawyer who is friendly with the defendant’s lawyer and with the judge is better than one who antagonizes them. Professionalism is a desirable quality in a lawyer, but aggression for its own sake is not.
What Does It Mean When Your Case Moves Quickly or Slowly?
Legal matters take longer than you expect them to, but you must also meet deadlines. There might be more frenzied work involved in your case than you expect, and also more waiting. Your lawyer should be transparent with you about why things are going at the pace they are going. You want a lawyer who responds to your communications quickly, but a lawyer who is thorough is better than one who is impatient and hasty.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you pursue a complaint related to an accident in which you suffered serious injuries. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.