Safety Tips For Nighttime Motorcycle Rides

South Carolina is an ideal place for motorcycle riding at almost any time of year, day or night. Riding your motorcycle at night presents a special set of risks, whether you are riding in the big city or on a dark, isolated road in the mountains or coastal lowlands. No matter the circumstances, motorcyclists are at a higher risk of death or serious injury in a collision than the occupants of passenger cars; this applies to single vehicle collisions as well as those that involve two or more vehicles. Furthermore, the nighttime hours account for a disproportionate share of traffic accidents overall. Despite this, some safety measures can help you avoid accidents when riding your motorcycle after nightfall. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident at night, contact a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer.
A Little Bit of Traffic Is Better Than No Traffic
Is driving in heavy traffic more dangerous or less dangerous than having the road to yourself? It depends. Accidents, especially those that involve three or more vehicles, are more frequent when there is a lot of traffic, but these accidents are less likely to involve fatalities or catastrophic injuries, even though they can be financially devastating. There is only so fast you can drive in bumper-to-bumper traffic.
By contrast, when there is no one on the road but you, there is a greater risk that you will not realize how fast you are going and lose control of your motorcycle. This risk is especially pronounced when you are driving in isolated areas at night. It is safer if you stay close enough to other cars that their headlights and taillights can help you get your bearings.
Drive at a Safe Speed, Even When No One Else Is Around
Speeding on the open road when no one else is nearby seems like the safest place to speed. Even if there are no other vehicles in sight, you should maintain a safe speed, at or near the posted speed limit. Especially at night, it is hard to see curves or obstacles in the road. Single vehicle collisions at night account for a substantial share of motorcycle-related fatalities.
Stop and Rest If You Are Tired
Distracted driving causes almost as many accidents as drunk driving. Even though cell phones get all the bad publicity, drowsiness is as big a cause of lack of focus while driving as cell phone distractions. Only the foolhardiest person would try to send a text message while operating a motorcycle, but plenty of us continue riding after we start to feel drowsy. It is hardest to stay alert when you are alone on your bike and alone on the road, especially when it is dark outside and the weather is cool.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you pursue a lawsuit or insurance claim after a motorcycle accident. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.