Slip and Fall FAQ

Have you been involved in a slip and fall accident? Or are you concerned because you’re in a category of individuals (disabled, elderly, etc.) who are more likely to slip and fall? Here are some frequently asked questions regarding slip and falls and their answers.
What Are Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents?
A common mistake people assume is that their fall was their fault. That’s generally not the case. In fact, business owners, homeowners, and landlords have a responsibility to maintain property conditions at all times. This includes taking care of defects in pavement, snow and ice accumulation, irregular carpeting, inadequate lighting, broken handrails on the wall, spilled food or drinks, and stray cords and wires near the ground.
What Do I Do If I Slip and Fall?
First, prioritize getting medical attention, even if you don’t believe you need it. Remember, some injuries don’t become apparent until days or even weeks after that which caused the injury. Second, wherever you slip and fall, management likely must make a report of the incident. Ensure that they do so, and that you get a copy. Take a look around and see if you can identify why you slipped and fell- was there, for instance, a pool of water on the floor, or an uneven sidewalk next to an establishment? Take photos of the location where you slipped and fell. And get contact information from any witnesses to the event. Don’t be embarrassed; protect your rights and interests by getting these things done and out of the way!
Is There a Deadline to File My Claim?
In South Carolina, as in many other states, the answer is yes. There is something called the statute of limitations, a time bar before which your claim must be made in order for it to be viable. You definitely want to be compliant with this rule so that your claim isn’t barred, so consult with an attorney. South Carolina Code section 15-3-530 gives you three years to ask the state courts for a civil remedy for any death, personal injury, or damage to personal property. The same deadline applies if your slip and fall only resulted in property damage.
How Much Is My Slip and Fall Case Worth?
This is a common question, but has no common answer. The best way to determine the value of your case is to speak to a slip and fall attorney in a consultation to find out what your claim may be worth. The value of your case depends on your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages, and can change over time.
What Do I Do Now?
There are many attorneys that will sign up to take your slip and fall case. However, your best bet is to seek out an attorney with specific experience with slip and fall accidents to best protect your rights and interests. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a skilled Columbia slip and fall attorney at The Stanley Law Group for assistance with your case.