South Carolina Is One Of The Top Ten Most Dangerous States For Motorcyclists

South Carolina is not one of the most populous states, nor is it among the most sparsely populated. Compared to many other states, it does not have extremes of temperature. It is the perfect middle ground, which makes it an ideal destination for bachelorette parties and retirees alike. The rate of fatal motorcycle accidents in South Carolina makes it seem like much more of an outlier. In recent years, South Carolina has consistently ranked in the top ten states regarding the number of motorcycle fatalities. Common risk factors like alcohol consumption and riding in inclement weather affect both the likelihood of a collision and the severity of the resulting injuries, but even if you use reasonable caution when riding a motorcycle, there is so little separating you from the road that a minor mishap can lead to life-changing injuries. If you got injured in a motorcycle accident in South Carolina, whether you live here or you were just here for a visit, contact a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer.
Motorcycle Accident Statistics for South Carolina and Nationwide
According to data from 2021, South Carolina has the fourth highest rate of fatal motorcycle accidents in the country. There were 11.2 motorcycle-related deaths in South Carolina for every 10,000 motorcycles on the road. Only Texas, Arkansas, and Missouri had a higher rate of motorcycle-related fatalities. In fact, the top ten states for fatal motorcycle accidents are all in the southern half of the United States, where the weather is suitable for motorcycle riding for most of the year. If the statistics were based on fatalities per number of motorcycle miles driven instead of fatalities per number of motorcycles registered in the state. Of course the motorcycles in Montana are going to stay out of trouble when they are parked in the garage for six months out of the year.
The main factors that contributed to motorcycle accidents involving severe injury or death were alcohol use, lack of helmets, and adverse weather conditions. Nationwide, alcohol plays a role in slightly over a third of motorcycle-related fatalities. In approximately one fifth of fatal motorcycle accidents, the driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) was at least twice the legal limit. South Carolina’s numbers regarding alcohol use and motorcyclist fatalities were close to the national average, but in some states, such as West Virginia, Iowa, Rhode Island, and Hawaii, alcohol was a factor in approximately one third of fatal motorcycle accidents. In Alaska, one third of people who died in motorcycle accidents had a BAC twice the legal limit. Motorcycle helmets reduce the risk of death in the event of a collision, and one reason that the fatality rate increased nationwide between 2020 and 2021 is that motorcycle helmet use decreased.
Let Us Help You Today
The motorcycle accident lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you have suffered a severe injury in a motorcycle accident. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.