South Carolina Motorcycle Laws

Now that summer is almost here, motorcycles are becoming a frequent sight on the roads of South Carolina. Whether you are taking in the scent of the sea breeze or enjoying scenic country roads, South Carolina is one of the most delightful places to ride a motorcycle. You should be aware of South Carolina’s motorcycle laws, though, so that you can ride safely. If you are planning on taking a road trip to South Carolina from out of state, you might be surprised at some of the ways that the rules of motorcycle riding are different here. No matter who you are and where you are riding, the risk of serious injury is always greater when you are riding a motorcycle than when you are a driver or passenger in a car. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in South Carolina, contact a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer.
South Carolina Only Sometimes Requires Motorcycle Helmets
You can greatly increase your chances of survival in the event of a motorcycle accident if you wear a helmet. Each state has its own set of rules regarding motorcycle helmets. South Carolina law does not require you to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, as long as you are at least 21 years old, but you must wear one if you are younger. If you are under 21, you must also wear goggles or a face screen. Furthermore, no matter your age, if you wear a helmet, it must have reflectors on both sides, and it must have a chin strap.
From a personal injury lawyer’s perspective, you should wear a motorcycle helmet even when the law does not require it. If you don’t, this could limit the amount of money you get in a lawsuit resulting from a motorcycle accident. The insurance company or the court could decide that, because of your careless decision not to wear a helmet, you contributed to the severity of your injuries.
When Is a Red Light Not a Red Light?
South Carolina law has a little-known provision sometimes called the “super-secret stoplight rule.” It states that, when a motorcycle has been stopped at a red light for more than 120 seconds, the motorcyclist has the right to treat the stoplight as if it were a stop sign. This means that, under some circumstances, it is legal to drive across an intersection when you have a red light. Be especially careful when applying this rule, though, because most drivers are unaware of it.
What Happens If You Get Into a Motorcycle Accident When Visiting South Carolina From Another State?
All legal actions related to traffic accidents must take place in the state where the accident occurred. This means that, if you get injured in a motorcycle accident in South Carolina and suffer heavy financial losses, you should hire a lawyer in South Carolina instead of in your home state.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.