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Spartanburg Rear End Accident Lawyer

These wrecks illustrate the difference between fault and liability in car crash cases. The Gamecocks might be trailing the Volunteers at halftime. But the good guys could easily come back and win in the second half. Likewise, insurance and law enforcement investigators almost always conclude the rear-ending driver was at fault in these wrecks. But a Spartanburg rear end accident lawyer from The Stanley Law Group could easily reverse this initial determination.

Second-half comebacks change the outcome of basketball games. Legal theories, like last clear chance, change the outcome of personal injury cases. Additionally, the initial determination is based solely on the evidence immediately available at the scene. Other evidence, like information from a vehicle’s Event Data Recorder, including vehicle speed and steering angle, could change the outcome as well. So, regardless of who was “at fault,” always ask a Spartanburg rear end accident lawyer to evaluate your case.

Spartanburg Rear End Accident Lawyers and Car Crash Injuries

The extreme motion of a rear end crash usually causes serious injuries, including one or more kinds of head injuries.

  • mTBI: A moderate Traumatic Brain Injury could be a concussion or whiplash. An accident-related concussion could be the straw that broke the camel’s back and causes CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), a degenerative condition that’s normally fatal. Whiplash is a head-neck injury that’s hard to diagnose and treat and could cause paralysis.
  • sTBI: Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries kill tens of thousands of Americans every year. Air bags do not prevent motion-related sTBIs. The force of a wreck causes the brain to slam against the inside of the skull, much like shaking a jar of pickles causes them to slam against the glass. Furthermore, in a high-speed wreck, a head hitting an air bag is like charging headlong into a wall at 70mph with a pillow attached to your head.
  • PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a physical brain injury. Extreme stress, like the stress of a car wreck, alters the brain’s chemical composition. Emotional responses are magnified and logical responses are impaired. This imbalance causes symptoms like nightmares, depression, and flashbacks.

A Spartanburg rear end accident lawyer obtains the compensation these victims need to deal with these injuries and move on with their lives. This compensation usually includes money for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering.

Legal Issues

The last clear chance theory, which was mentioned above, is based on the duty of care. All drivers have a duty to avoid accidents at all times, regardless of what another person does or does not do. This duty includes making emergency evasive maneuvers if possible.

Assume Peter is driving safely. He looks in his rear view mirror and sees Andrew approaching at a high rate of speed. If Peter can change lanes and avoid Andrew, he must do so if possible, because he has the last clear chance to avoid the wreck.

There’s a difference between the last clear chance and any possible chance. Such maneuvers are not always possible. Sometimes, the accident happened too fast. Or, Peter might be waiting at a red light and therefore unable to change lanes. Still other times, due to traffic, weather, or other conditions, a sudden evasive maneuver might cause a wreck.

Work With a Detail-Oriented Spartanburg County Lawyer

Injury victims are entitled to significant compensation. For a free consultation with an experienced rear end accident lawyer in Spartanburg, contact The Stanley Law Group. We do not charge upfront legal fees in these matters.

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