Spartanburg Woman Sues Myrtle Beach Hotel Where She Suffered Bed Bug Bites

Guests reserve hotel rooms with the expectation that the hotel will be free from preventable hazards such as falling ceiling tiles, contaminated bath water, slippery floors, and unsupervised swimming pools that children can easily access. In fact, if a guest at a hotel gets injured because of dangerous conditions that the hotel management failed to prevent, the guest has the right to file a premises liability lawsuit against the hotel. In a premises liability lawsuit, you can seek damages for the financial losses you suffered because of the accident, including but not limited to medical bills. You can also seek noneconomic damages for your physical and emotional suffering that resulted from the accident; the amount you can seek in noneconomic damages usually depends on the severity of your injuries. If you have suffered preventable injuries because of unsafe conditions in a hotel or other place of business, contact a South Carolina premises liability lawyer.
How Bad Are Bed Bug Bites?
If you are going to get bitten by an insect, bed bugs are not the worst one. Bed bug bites leave red, itchy bumps, but the lesions usually go away on their own within a few weeks. They do not carry the worst of insect-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, malaria, West Nile virus, or dengue fever. The trouble with bed bugs is that, once bed bugs are in your house, it is very difficult to get rid of them, so you could keep getting more bites until you move out of the house and get rid of your furniture and clothes. Bed bug infestations are emotionally and financially disruptive, even when they do not cause serious illness. Sometimes, bed bug bites can become infected or cause allergic reactions.
Plaintiff Seeks Damages for Permanent Emotional Distress
In June 2021, Amanda Martell of Spartanburg County stayed at the Mermaid Inn during a visit to Myrtle Beach. After one night of sleeping in the hotel, she woke up to find numerous bed bug bites on her body. Upon closer inspection of the room, she noticed that there were bed bugs on the mattresses, bed sheets, and carpets.
Martell sued the Mermaid Inn for premises liability. She claims that it was the hotel’s responsibility to notice the bed bugs and to remedy the situation before the infestation could affect her. For example, the cleaning staff should have noticed the bed bugs during daily bed sheet changes. Martell is seeking damages for permanent emotional distress and loss of enjoyment of life. The Sun News website did not specify how much money, if any, Martell seeks for medical expenses related to the bed bug infestation.
Let Us Help You Today
A Columbia premises liability lawyer can help you file a premises liability claim if you were injured in a preventable accident at a hotel where you were a guest. Contact The Stanley Law Group for help today.