Top 5 Mistakes People Make after a Slip and Fall Accident

If you are injured in a slip and fall accident, you likely are finding yourself in a new situation for the first time. There are several steps to take after a slip and fall accident, and failing to take them can jeopardize your later claims if you wish to make them. What should you do and avoid doing after a slip and fall accident? Below are the top five mistakes people make after a slip and fall occurrence.
Leaving Too Quickly
Slipping and falling can be embarrassing, without a doubt. If you slip and fall in a public space, whether it is in a store or on a sidewalk, your instincts may be to get out of there as quickly and as inconspicuously as possible. Yet there is some work to be done before you can wisely leave. The owner and proprietor of the property likely will want you to cooperate with them to fill out an incident report. If not, politely but firmly insist that they do, and get a copy for yourself to take home with you.
Not Investigating
If you’ve slipped and fallen, there is probably a reason for it. Don’t fall into the trap of wanting to leave immediately. Take a few moments and try to determine why you slipped and fell. Was there a slick surface in the grocery store that made you slip? Perhaps there was a puddle of condensation from a nearby air conditioner causing the floor to be moist. Or perhaps you tripped over an uneven sidewalk or on a crumpled carpet. Understanding why you slipped and fell can assist you with your claim later on. If you see anything indicating why you slipped and fell, take photos of those conditions to keep for later.
Not Seeking Medical Attention
If you’ve slipped and fallen, you may not need the type of medical attention that comes by ambulance. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need any medical attention at all. Some injuries are latent injuries, meaning they appear and manifest later. This is especially true for head injuries, soft tissue injuries, and damage to muscles and nerves. Seek medical attention after a slip and fall, firstly for the sake of your own health but secondly to establish a paper trail for your injuries so that you can later be compensated for them.
Settling Too Quickly
If you slip and fall, the owner of the premises will probably want to settle with you. They may attempt to do so casually, perhaps offering you something on the spot, or an offer may be made through the owner’s insurance policy if they have one. Don’t settle too quickly; you may be giving up valuable compensation to which you are entitled.
Hiring the Wrong Attorney
Many attorneys will take on a slip and fall case. However, your best bet for receiving the compensation you deserve is to find an attorney with specific experience in slip and fall cases. You can contact a Columbia slip and fall attorney with experience at The Stanley Law Group. Call 803-799-4700 and set up a consultation today.