What are Requests for Admission, Request for Production and Interrogatories?

Personal injury lawsuits can involve substantial amounts of documentation required of the victim. Victims of someone else’s negligence can not simply assert that they were injured due to someone else’s fault, but rather have to prove their case in court. Defendants will then have to show the court that they were not negligent and did not directly cause the victim’s injuries. Oftentimes, the defense will request that the victim provide both the production of documents or “discovery requests.”
Requests For Admission
Each party can request that the other side answer questions regarding evidence that is admitted in the case. Typically 40 requests for admission are allowed for each side. After receiving a request for admission, the party will have 30 days to produce responses. If one side does not respond within that time frame, the questions are automatically assumed to be interpreted the way that the requestor wants, and the court will consider that interpretation valid.
Requests For Production
Requests for production require the other side to produce documents regarding the case. In most cases, these would be documents that you have under your control or can easily obtain, such as medical bills, pay stubs, proof of lost wages, etc. The side receiving the request has 30 days to send these documents directly to the opposing counsel, instead of the court.
Each side will naturally have questions of the other side regarding the case. Interrogatories are questions that one party will give the other with respect to the case. While judges have discretion to determine a different number of interrogatories, typically each side is limited to 40 interrogatories (or questions) asked of the other side. Again, the receiving party has 30 days to respond with written answers and send them directly to the opposing counsel.
There are certain rules that accompany requests for admission, requests for production and interrogatories. For example, if you are unable to provide a document or answer an interrogatory question for any reason (such as it is written in a vague, objectionable, or irrelevant way) you may declare in your response why you are not able to answer the request or question as it is written. If you have an objection to a request or question, stating an objection can be legally challenging, and an experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights. Additionally, an attorney can help you develop your own requests and interrogatories for the other side. Finally, you will always need to sign that the documents provided are accurate and that your interrogatories are true under penalty of law.
Let Us Help You Today
Personal injury cases can be legally complex and include building a strong case, requesting documents and interrogatories, conducting an independent investigation or even hiring expert witnesses. Visiting with an experienced attorney can help ensure that your legal rights are protected. Contact our Columbia personal injury attorneys at the Stanley Law Group at 803-799-4700. We can help you understand your legal rights, help you with the complex legal matters such as requests and interrogatories, and help you build a strong case for a fair settlement for the injuries you suffered.