Which Factors Affect The Severity Of Motorcycle Accidents The Most?

If you are scrolling through news headlines, you could easily get the idea that catastrophic motorcycle accidents are an everyday occurrence. In fact, the worst motorcycle accidents account for only a tiny fraction of the total number of motorcycle trips. Most people enjoy thousands of uneventful rides over the course of their riding careers, unless you count the bright sun, the cool breeze, and the rumble of the engine as events. Furthermore, not all motorcycle collisions result in death or permanent injury, although the risk of severe injury in a collision is higher if you are on a motorcycle than if you are in a car. While vehicle defects can cause accidents, most accidents occur for more obvious and preventable reasons. If you got injured in a motorcycle accident despite riding the safest bike, contact a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer.
The Cheap Bike Tires Will Do, As Long As They Are in Good Condition
At biker bars and on YouTube channels devoted to motorcycles and motorcyclists, you can easily find people who encourage you to spring for fancy bike tires. Some people insist that using racing tires even when you are just riding on ordinary city streets and interstate highways will enhance your riding experience, while others swear by slick tires, claiming that these ensure a fast, smooth ride. In fact, plain, old road tires are just fine; the others will not reduce your collision risk. Underinflated tires do, however, increase your chances of an accident, so make sure your tires are properly inflated.
Does Safety Gear Make You Safer, Or Is It a Waste of Money?
South Carolina law only requires motorcycle helmets for riders under the age of 21, so whether to wear a helmet is a meaningful choice. Some people claim that wearing a helmet increases the risk of spinal injury because of the helmet’s weight, or that it hinders your ability to see and hear your surroundings. In fact, a helmet greatly increases your chances of survival in the event of an accident. To ensure that you can see well with your helmet on, you should have it professionally fitted before you buy it.
Are Bigger, Louder Bikes Better?
Bikes are at a disadvantage in collisions with cars, so you might think that bigger bikes offer bigger protection than smaller ones. Bigger bikes are harder to control, so it is easier to steer clear of obstacles on a smaller bike. Louder engines may, however, make it easier for other drivers to know where you are before they can see you.
Click Away From the Bike Customization Videos and Behold the Usual Suspects
The main causes of motorcycle accidents are the same as the main causes of car accidents. Sobriety, caution, and moderate speed will do more to prevent collisions than fancy bike features will.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you pursue a lawsuit or insurance claim after a motorcycle accident. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.