Why Do You Need an Expert Witness in Medical Malpractice Cases?

Medical malpractice cases are often complex. Generally, in a medical malpractice case, the claimant, known as a plaintiff, will bring in a medical expert. Medical experts can be admittedly expensive and are not always easy to find. So why would your medical malpractice case need one? Medical experts in medical malpractice cases can provide a wide range of testimony to assist you in proving several parts of your case.
A Medical Expert Can Help Prove Your Injuries
Even if your injuries are obvious, you will still need to provide proof in court of what your injuries are and how they arose. This is where a medical expert can come into play. A medical expert can assist in bringing into the court records of your injuries and information about how the injuries came to occur. They may introduce your medical records, testify to the extent of your injuries, and even explain why and how your injuries are severe enough to warrant compensation.
A Medical Expert Can Help Prove Your Need for Compensation
It is difficult to determine the value of a human life, much less the value of loss of enjoyment of life, loss of consortium, or a loss of being able to participate in day to day activities. However, you will need to demonstrate in court that you deserve compensation for your injuries or illness and that you need it in order to be restored. A medical expert can help provide a valuation of these tricky elements to assist you in proving that you need compensation, as well as a valuation of how much compensation you deserve.
A Medical Expert Can Help Show Negligence
A key function of a medical expert is to assist in showing that the treatment team, doctors, etc. that performed the procedure or treatment in question were negligent in performing their duties. This means showing that the doctor did not follow the standard of care for doctors in the same position, as well as showing that the doctor’s failure to follow the standard of care injured the patient. For the former, the expert will testify about what a normal, competent doctor would have done in the same scenario. Then they will give an opinion as to whether the doctor in the case at hand followed the standard of care. For the latter, the expert may testify about whether the doctor’s failure to live up to the standard of care injured the patient. There may be several causes of injury, so a good expert will explain why and how it is the doctor who should be held liable.
You Need a Good Attorney for Your Medical Malpractice Case
You may need an expert for your medical malpractice case, but one thing is certain; you will definitely need an experienced attorney. Medical malpractice cases can be notoriously difficult and complicated, so you need a Columbia personal injury attorney at your side with experience in navigating these cases. You can find one at The Stanley Law Group. Call 803-799-4700 and set up a consultation today.