Your Personal Injury Lawyer Can Handle The Truth, Even If It Is Possible For The Defendant To Use It Against You

Anyone who is old enough to remember that you used to have to read the headlines of the tabloid magazines in the supermarket checkout line to find out largely implausible gossip about your favorite celebrities can tell you the Internet’s obsession with airing everyone’s dirty laundry 24 hours a day is making everyone miserable. Wikipedia probably has category pages somewhere of people whose only claim to fame is that they said something awful about someone else or someone else said something awful about them. You can usually avoid such infamy simply by pursuing a line of work other than being a social media personality. Your eating habits, spending habits, and relationship history are no one’s business but yours, until you file a personal injury lawsuit, that is. When you file a personal injury lawsuit, you are trying to prove that your injuries are the result of someone else’s negligence, such as the company whose delivery truck collided with your car. Of course, the defendant will do anything they can to show that it is not their fault, which means finding fault with you. They can use your weight, your history or substance abuse or mental illness, or anything else a schoolyard bully would fixate on to persuade the judge that you do not deserve compensation for the accident. A Columbia car accident lawyer can help you find the best comebacks or shut down the bullying before it starts, but only if you tell your lawyer the truth.
What Does Your Financial History Have to Do With Your Personal Injury Case?
South Carolina follows the collateral source rule, which means that you have the right to ask a defendant to compensate you for financial losses caused by the defendant’s negligence even if you have some other source of funding to cover the negligence-related expenses. A classic example is that you are allowed to file a personal injury lawsuit whether or not you have health insurance. Meanwhile, the defendant might try to use your financial history against you, saying that you are not truly injured but are only filing this lawsuit because you need money after a judge ordered you to pay child support or after your small business folded. Your lawyer can stop the defendant from presenting irrelevant evidence.
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions and Your Car Accident Lawsuit
The plaintiff’s pre-existing medical conditions are a point of contention in many personal injury cases. It may be impossible to know the exact percentage of your back pain which is due to the car accident and the exact percentage that is due to a previous work injury. With the help of your medical records and expert witness testimony, though, your lawyer can make the case that you are entitled to compensation.
Let Us Help You Today
The car accident lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you win your case, no matter how much the defendant tries to intimidate you. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.